Sunday, February 8, 2009


Joanie, Janet, Torrey, and I spent the day in Tucson yesterday...seeking treasure at the Tucson Gem Show. My most treasured 'find' was ancient Roman below. We spent over an hour at this one tiny booth...digging through trays and bins of these 'jewels'... I bought way more than I NEEDED...but not nearly as much as I WANTED... Each piece was such a treasure in itself...can't wait to incorporate some into finished pieces.
This glass was produced in the Roman Empire over 2000 years ago (dating to approximately 300 B.C.). A primitive 'free-blowing' technique was used to make beautiful bottles which were then used for wines, oils, perfumes, and medicines. Among other things, the materials used to form the glass included sand, metals (for coloration), and seaweed. The iridescence you see today is the result of chemical decomposition...from extended exposure to acid in the soil.

The large green piece you see in the two photos above is the top of a bottle and about as big around as a quarter. In one of the pictures you can see that part of the cork is still intact...unbelievable. This very special piece is bound for Connecticut...a special present for my little sister Heather...
Each piece looked delicious enough to some kind of magical rock candy.
xoxo, amy

1 comment:

Johnny said...

What is the origin of this glass? Is it really ancient and roman? Fascinating!